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Aging In Place Can Be The Better Solution

Today there is an alternative to spending your later years in an assisted living facility and more often these days people who are nearing retirement are considering remaining in their homes as long as possible.  In order to be safe and comfortable in our homes as we age, there will be a need to make some safety-related additions (such as lift chairs and walk-in tubs) or even a comprehensive remodeling plan put into place.  There are many reasons why you and your family might want to consider "Aging In Place" for your future, and there are steps you can take now to begin to prepare for that eventuality.
First, let's examine how staying in one's home, where years of memories have been created and one feels comfortable and familiar, can be very beneficial to our health and well-being.
Home Is Where The Heart Is
After years in a home where a family was raised and where we still gather together to celebrate and reunite, we naturally become attached and develop the sense of "roots" that give us security.  It is also a place that remains the same while we are going through the changes that come with aging.
Home Can Protect You
Many people don't think about it, but moving to an unfamiliar environment can actually pose safety hazards. Having the increased control of one's environment at home is another good reason to consider aging in place.
Cost Savings At Home
The cost for institutional care today is very high and becoming more expensive as time passes.  Unfortunately, it can be out of the question for those without the financial means necessary.  Even our current economic situation is encouraging many to consider aging in place as an alternative to nursing home care or assisted living.
Ultimately by staying in your home as long as possible, you will realize physical and mental health benefits as well as cost savings.
Let us know what you have done to make your home more Aging In Place friendly or just share your thoughts on the idea on our Google+ and Facebook pages!
Some of the great lift chair manufacturers featured on Lift Chairs 101.
  • Pride Mobility
  • Golden Technologies